Monday 20 April 2015


On Monday the 23rd of February my entire year departed for Gartan Outdoor Adventure Centre in Donegal. We arrived in Donegal in the afternoon. The first thing that we did once we arrived was we were shown are rooms and had time to get unpacked. After dinner we were split into the groups that we would be in for the week and began our evening activity for that night. I was put into group C. Our groups activity that night was night lining which was going around a course in the dark blindfolded. The next day our group had orienteering in the morning and team tasks in the afternoon. In the evening we did the egg test, where we had to try and make a contraption to protect the egg from cracking when we dropped it off the first floor. The following day we had archery in the morning and kayaking in the afternoon. With snake and ladders in the evening after dinner. For our final day our group had rock climbing in the morning and a hill walk in the afternoon. That evening we didn't have any planned activities as we had to spend the evening packing our bags for the early start in the morning. On the Friday we left early and made it back to the school for around one. I thoroughly enjoyed the week and thought that it was one of the best things that I have done all year!

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